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Clients & Associates
International Business Manager ( M ) – International Surface Coating Products
Director Head of Faculties ( M ) – UK Financial Services
Regional MD ( M ) – International Security Operations
UK Director of Commercial, Sales and Marketing ( F ) – International Hotel Group
Consultant Anaesthetist/Healthcare Consultant ( F ) – Global Practitioner
Commercial Director/MD ( F ) – National Alarms and Security Group
Project Services Executive ( F ) – UK Government Nuclear Fuels Department
Sales and Marketing Manager ( F ) – International Chemicals
Commercial Director ( M ) – National Environmental Services Group
Global Marketing Director ( M ) – International Financial Services
Entrepreneur CEO ( M ) – International Medical Group ( leveraged exit )
UK MD ( M ) – International IT Group
MD ( M ) – Private ‘ high end ‘ Architectural Services and Crafts – International
Chairman/Entrepreneur Investor of multi plc’s ( M ) – London based
Group Financial Director ( M ) – International Chemicals
MD and Board ( M & F ) – VC Funded Food Manufacturer – UK Retail Supply
Client case studies with quotes :
Global Group & GUK – Global UK Ltd
Maurice was selected by Andy Jones of GUK Ltd, in cooperation with his Global CEO, as his coach and mentor in 2006, prior to his pending promotion from UK Sales Director to UK MD. This was a healthy, but traditional, UK sales and manufacturing subsidiary of a Gmbh owned multi-national chemical company. Since that time it has emerged as a key group strategic operating company and Andy became Head of Global Operations. Quote: “Inspirational by example, Maurice provides a valuable source of knowledge, experience and wisdom in his coaching and management support role to me and my employees. Extremely easy to engage with, Maurice is always consistently upbeat, whatever challenge lays ahead and has a capacity to ‘chew on the issue and make sense of it’ – his contribution and commitment during my own challenging journey over the past nine years has delivered huge rewards for our business.” Andy Jones – Head of Global Operations
ICP – International Computer Purchasing Ltd Maurice formally joined Matt Archer, founding director and MD of ICP as an Executive Director in early 2006. Some 3-years after start-up ICP was then stretching itself after a period of rapid expansion and relocation into larger premises. The next 3-years saw considerable accumulated early stage growth challenges met and overcome. Quote: To write a few short words about the effect that Maurice has had on my life would be impossible. The best I can do is to say that Maurice has all of the principles, motivation and ideals one would aspire to have for themselves. Along with that he has an intuition, intelligence, amazing drive and imagination to create together what otherwise wouldn’t be possible. He has the ability to do what is impossible for me. Somehow he has the innate ability to see to the heart of the matter, and explain very advanced thoughts, feelings, ideas in a concise way, many times with simple and relevant analogies that everyone can understand. Vision & communication are his gifts. He is one of the two most influential people in my life, and everyone who has been touched in some way by Maurice will find their soul is much richer for having known him.” Matt Archer – Founder and MD of ICP Ltd Quote: “Maurice’s leadership and organizational skills have been invaluable to ICP Ltd, I was greatly impressed by his professionalism and well organised manner. Working directly with Maurice on various projects I gained a valuable insight to the man himself. He has a passion for problem solving and for supporting people. He considers every word and is willing to make brave decisions that affect both the business and individuals in it. Using best practice and working closely together with the Directors Maurice made it possible to overcome hurdles and make ICP Ltd it into the company it is today. Not forgetting his humour which helps in tough times.” Paul Waring – Operations Director ICP Ltd
RMG- Recruitment Management Group
After a period of one to one coaching and mentoring with Andrew Evans, founder and MD, Maurice accepted an invitation as an appointed Director, in early 2009.
“ Having spent nearly fourteen years successfully running RMG, and well over twenty years in the Executive Recruitment industry, I began to recognise that I was in need of a different way of operating if I was to fulfil my ambitions to significantly grow the business A major action was to engage with a Personal Coach, where I chose to work with Maurice Summerson, one of the IOD’s small group of accredited coaches. I invited Maurice to extend his involvement as a non-executive director. His coaching has been extended to several other members of the RMG team, and I would particularly emphasise his assistance in preparing a Business Manager for his promotion to Director in July 2010. . I have no hesitation in saying that Maurice has performed an important role in my journey of personal change, whilst I’d also mention that he’s eternally positive, always optimistic and frequently challenging. 2010 has been a significant year for RMG, we have created a broader platform upon which to build future success, established a four strong board of directors, researched deeply into our values, and created an environment and culture designed to achieve ambitious medium term growth.” Andrew Evans – Founder and MD
Associate case studies with quotes Coaching Supervisor – Peter Burditt Founder and Head of Strategic Development Consultants Coach supervisor, NXD and Faculty Member of AoEC I met Peter in 2002 when I was selected to join the small team of IoD national executive coaches. His credentials and stature with IoD and beyond stood out, amongst a small group of highly talented and experienced international people. Quote: “ It is a privilege as well as a humbling experience to be Maurice’s coaching supervisor. Maurice takes me on his journey and I can only witness it with awe and respect. No book or treatise on Maurice can possibly do this man justice. He lives!! And continues to experience life in all of it’s fullness. His motorbike journeys are more than a metaphor, they are an inspiration to everyone that comes into contact with him. The book ‘Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance’ is a poor substitute for Maurice’s own sense of adventure, generosity and philosophy. His approach to living is the dance between practical planning and prepared readiness for the unexpected, which makes him such a great source of wisdom and support to younger men and women in their business careers. He is a modest man with an immodest appetite for learning, sharing and supporting. If I were to write a book on my meetings with remarkable men, he would be on the front page.” Peter Burditt
Advocate – Dr Monica M Sharma Former Director, Leadership and Capacity Development, for the UN Awarded ‘Spirit of the UN‘ in 2010 for outstanding accomplishments There are several individuals whose work can be singled out for genuinely making a difference, when it comes to large systems change, and transformation on a global scale. Monica is one such special person. She is a thought leader, and an activist who has got very special and outstanding results, touching the lives of hundreds of millions of individuals. ‘ Moving to Scale ‘ is the particular genius of Monica, a pioneer of generative results oriented approaches. Her model provides a setting for policy makers, service improvement leaders, programme managers, professionals, practitioners and community activists to work at the grass root level – engaging with core issues of concern, including specific regional and national challenges. Monica’s advocacy was invaluable during the pioneering for the UK NW Regional Values Survey & NWDA Regional Economic Policy. Quote: “Three of the important things about results generative working with Maurice are : His extensive experience and expertise in business. The ability to create and work with the trust of CEO’s and others, at all levels, is a major asset. He sees the depth and breadth of situations, with no fixed ideas in mind, allowing the emergence of the best possible solutions.” Dr Monica M Sharma
Client and Associate – Phil Clothier CEO of the International Barrett Values Centre ( BVC ) I first met Phil in 2007. Phil is one of Richard Barrett’s founding members of the BVC, I became Phil’s coach and mentor as he assumed the formal appointment to CEO, thus enabling Richard to become Chairman. A more global ambassadorial role aligned with his thought leading status around the planet. Quote: “ Maurice – you have made a huge difference in my life, both personally and professionally. I am very happy for all we have done together in the past year, and all that is coming up now. We make a great team. Thank you –Phil.” Phil Clothier – CEO
Association – IoD London – Institute of Directors A long serving member of IoD, Maurice was selected to join the small team of IoD Executive Coaches in 2002. Executive Coaching and Mentoring has been a key component of the world class IoD Director Development Programmes With regular team meetings, high quality of professional standards, supervision and CPD requirements, this peer group has provided a significant platform for it’s selected members to hone their executive coaching skills. The team has a significant combined depth of experience, qualifications and specialities between them. An exceptional calibre group assembled and facilitated by IoD. Quote: “ There are many individuals that hold themselves up as executive coaches but few that can really cut it with senior people. Maurice is certainly one of the few.” Ryan Ahearn – Learning and Development Director – IoD
Coaching Client Sample Testimonials “ Easy going manner of Maurice ensured a good relationship. Achieved the desired result and some. “
“ Hi Maurice – I just wanted to let you know that the company made the decision yesterday to appoint me to the role of GM-Asia Pacific. I was also awarded my MBA from Warwick last month. One thing that came was a recognition by the management team of positive changes in my approach towards work colleagues. I have also felt much more comfortable in this area of my working life which I believe has been a major result from the coaching experience with your good self . Thanks again for all your help last year which was invaluable to me in achieving this success. “
“ My coaching outcomes were all met. The relationship with Maurice was excellent and he was a good listener, well prepared and reflected on my comments well. His use of time was excellent. Helped me to understand what motivates me and it is about what success feels like, rather than just looks like.”
“ UK CEO Hotel Group: This was recommended to me by our Global CEO and I am very happy that I took his suggestion seriously. It has helped me a great deal and the personal development has been definitely worthwhile. The impact on my personal goals has been excellent. My thinking has developed wider, I am not so frustrated as I was at the beginning and I feel much more confident. I would recommend coaching and mentoring. Overall I am very happy for the sessions and the development I see that happened in myself. I am more confident, more business oriented, able to sell my thinking better and able to understand my colleagues in a different light. “